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Hello.  My name is David and I'm an incorrigible polymath.


a shameful thing to confess.  And confusing?!  OMFG!

Some days I’m a visual guy, wielding my Nikon D800 to create photographic and mixed media art and décor, or just as a way to get the juices flowing, as a source of inspiration.

Other days I’m a wordsmith, honing my wit on the whetstone of my personal and satirical blog, A Slow, Painful Death Would Be Too Good for You (and Other Observations) which I’ve been writing since 2014 (how long ago that sounds now...).

I mean, I was never not kind of witty. I‘m gay! But I discovered that you can take something you do naturally, break it down, take it apart, study it, then reassemble it and you‘ll end up with a vastly broader understanding of what you‘re doing, plus the ability to do it at will.

You no longer have to wait for “inspiration”. 

Like magic, you now have a consistently reliable talent. You‘ve made the transition from amateur to pro.

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lets talk merch.  The merch you see on this site is often inspired by the obsessions, confessions and satirical sessions found on my blog.  

Its not exactly a side hustle. I pay lots of attention. I design everything you find here, agonizing and revising through countless iterations until I’m happy.  


Its just that I don't think of myself as an entrepreneur, basically. Im a writer and an artist and a lily of the field.

The merch is here in its quirky, niche-appeal sort of way specifically to remind you of, and help you show your support for, my writing/my blog. 

every purchase you make on this site you are helping to support me and my creative work.


Your purchases help me:


pay rent
buy food

purchase art and printer supplies

pay for web hosting plus Internet

pay for SaaS, such as Adobe Creative Cloud

and help me take care of countless other major and minor expenses.

I am so grateful you’re here!


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